Adam is proud of the work he has done to help companies bring life-saving medication to patients.


Adam is a managing principal in ZS’s health plan and provider industry vertical. He has extensive experience across most strategic and tactical issues with national and regional health plans. Adam has also led ZS’s European and North America West regions.


Adam has worked almost exclusively in healthcare for over 20 years, helping transform organizations from product- to customer-focused. He has helped health plans acquire and retain members. Adam has helped them improve quality of care while reducing costs through population health programs and through value-based agreements with providers, pharma and medtech manufacturers. Adam’s proudest moments are when his work helps patients receive and afford high-quality healthcare.

Prior experience

Adam’s background is in actuarial science. Before joining ZS, Adam worked with health plans and group insurance at Mercer, helping employer groups achieve high-quality and affordable healthcare.


Adam holds an MBA from the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, and an H.SC in statistics and actuarial science.